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Movies corresponding to figures in our papers

Umeda, T. and Inouye, K. (2004) Cell sorting by differential cell motility: a model for pattern formation in Dictyostelium. J. theor. Biol. 226, 215-224.
Inouye, K. (2003). Pattern formation by cell movement in closely-packed tissues. In "Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems" eds. T. Sekimura, S. Noji, N. Ueno and P. K. Maini. pp. 191-202. Springer-Verlag Tokyo.
Umeda, T. and Inouye, K. (2002). Possible role of contact following in the generation of coherent motion of Dictyostelium cells. J. theor. Biol. 29, 301-308.
Quinine-induced protrusion formation - - - ( QuickTime movies also available at JCS Online )
Yoshida, K and Inouye, K. (2001). Myosin II-dependent cylindrical protrusions induced by quinine in Dictyostelium -- antagonizing effects of actin polymerization at the leading edge. J. Cell Sci. 114, 2155-2165.
Kosugi, T. and Inouye, K. (1989). Negative chemotaxis to ammonia and other weak bases by migrating slugs of the cellular slime moulds. J. gen. microbiol. 135, 1589-1598.

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