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Movies for "Pattern formation by cell movement in closely packed tissues"

Inouye, K. (2003). In "Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems" eds. T. Sekimura, S. Noji, N. Ueno and P. K. Maini. pp. 191-202. Springer-Verlag Tokyo.
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Movies in QuickTime (mac, unix) and avi (wondows) formats --- (size: 210-670 kb)
Movie A QuickTime
Figure 1A A growth phase cell showing "crawling" motion.
2.17 seconds/frame. field width 46.5 micrometres.
Movie QuickTime
Figure 1B A growth phase cell showing "crawling" motion.
0.70 seconds/frame. field width 68.1 micrometres.
Movie QuickTime
Figure 1C A growth phase cell showing "crawling" motion with clearly visible detached F-actin layers.
0.89 seconds/frame. field width 36.3 micrometres.
Movie QuickTime
Figure 1D Two GFP-ABD cells in a chimaeric slug consisting of non-fluorescent wild-type cells and a few percents of GFP-ABD cells.
2.0 seconds/frame. field width 66.2 micrometres.

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