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Simulation Movies

Umeda, T. and Inouye, K. (2002) Possible role of contact following in the generation of coherent motion of Dictyostelium cells. J. theor. Biol. 29, 301-308.

Simulations of cell movement in 2-dimensional aggregates - with and without "contact following". Cell number = 500. Periodic boundary condition.
Movies in QuickTime (mac, unix) and avi (wondows) formats
  1. Movie corresponding to Fig. 3 of the paper ( QuickTime 435 kB | avi 766 kB )
    With "contact following". Parameter b of equation (2) is 15 in the simulation.
    b represents the relative contribution of "contact following".
    The other parameters are: f = a = 1, k1 = 0.1, k2 = 100, D = 1.
    Half the cells randomly chosen are shown in a different colour for better demonstration of cell movement. Original figures in the paper are in black and white.
frames of the movie
    Selected frames at regular intervals from the movie (size reduced to 50%).

  2. Similar simulation without "contact following" ( QuickTime 468 kB | avi 682 kB )
    b= 0. The other parameters are the same as the ones shown above. Corresponding figure not shown in the paper.
    No vortices form. Also note that the clustering of cells takes longer without contact following.

  3. Simulation of stable unidirectional movement ( QuickTime 572 kB | avi 1198 kB )
    b= 20. The other parameters are the same as the one shown above. This simulation corresponds to the analytical solution depicted in Fig. 2 of the paper.
    Initial condition is belt-like distribution of the cells with velocity vectors of the same value and direction pointing in the direction along the belt. Unidirectional movement seems stable.

  4. Simulation of unstable unidirectional movement ( QuickTime 277 kB | avi 558 kB )
    b= 10. The other parameters are the same as the ones shown above. Corresponding figure not shown in the paper.
    Same initial condition as the one immadiately above. Unidirectional movement is unstable, and the belt of cells breaks up to form a rotating cell cluster.

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